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Dean's Office College of Engineering & Computer Science

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College Industrial Advisory Board

The College of Engineering and Computer Science Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) is a distinguished group of industry leaders and experts who share a common goal: advancing the mission and vision of the College by offering informed advice and recommendations. Our board members bring invaluable insights and perspectives to guide the strategic direction, operations, and programmatic initiatives of the College. Through their expertise, the IAB helps position the College and its students for success in the ever-evolving fields of engineering, construction management, and computer science.

Mission of the Board

Our mission is to foster collaboration between industry and academia, creating a synergistic partnership that enhances the educational experience and career readiness of our students. We strive to ensure that our programs and initiatives align with industry needs and trends, empowering our graduates to become highly skilled professionals and leaders in their fields.

What We Do:

  1. Strategic Guidance: The IAB provides strategic guidance and helps shape the College's vision and ensure its programs remain at the forefront of innovation and excellence.
  2. Industry Connections: Board members serve as connectors, bridging the gap between academia and industry. Through their vast networks and professional affiliations, they facilitate partnerships, internships, and collaborative opportunities for our students and faculty. These connections create pathways to career opportunities and promote knowledge transfer between academia and the industry.
  3. Programmatic Support: The IAB supports the College's programmatic initiatives, such as student mentoring, capstone projects, and experiential learning opportunities. We provide feedback and recommendations to enhance these initiatives, making them more aligned with industry best practices and ensuring our graduates possess the skills and competencies demanded by the job market.
  4. Advancement Goals: As visionaries and supporters of the College's mission, the IAB plays a vital role in advancing our institution's goals. Board members generously contribute their time, resources, and expertise to foster growth, fund scholarships, establish endowments, and support various advancement initiatives that benefit the College and its students.

We invite industry leaders, professionals, and alumni who are passionate about shaping the future of higher education to join the IAB. By becoming a member, you will have the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the College, its students, and the broader community. Your involvement will contribute to the continuous evolution and success of the IAB as we strive to create innovative educational experiences and develop future industry leaders. To learn more about the IAB, please contact Dean Kevan Shafizadeh at

We are constantly on the lookout for experienced, enthusiastic, and committed professionals who are eager to contribute to Sac State by serving on the board. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please complete the IAB Member Application form.


Current Industrial Advisory Board Members

Current IAB members. Updated October 8, 2024.

Lance Shaw, '98 (Co-Chair)

President, Stratis Group,

Portrait of Lance Shaw

Susan Wheeler (Co-Chair)

Regional Workforce Development Program Manager (Ret.), Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)

Portrait of Susan Wheeler

Orin Bennett, '71

President (Ret.), Bennett Engineering

Orin Bennett

Ron Brown, '86

President, Brown Construction

Ron Brown

Joseph Burnett, '04

PMO/ITP Lead, Blue Origin

Joseph Burnett

James Cole

General Manager, Xeon Platform Solutions, Data Center and Artificial Intelligence Group, Intel Corporation

James Cole Portrait

Heather Giovanni, '00

VP Software Engineering, HPE

Portrait of Heather Giovanni

Lynda Grindstaff, '95

Cybersecurity Expert, Technology Engineering Executive, Strategic Advisor, McAfee

Portrait of Lynda Grindstaff

Adam Holguin, '10

Business Development Director, McCarthy Building Companies

Portrait of Adam Holguin

Matt Nichols

Chief Innovation Officer, Quick Quack Car Wash

Matt Nichols

Louay Owaidat

President, Odin Construction

Portrait of Louay Owaidat

Kevan Shafizadeh

Dean, College of Engineering & Computer Science

Portrait of Kevan Shafizadeh

Thomas Whitcher

ECS Director of Development

Portrait of Thomas Whitcher